Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Spitzer?

The fact is that most of us ordinary folk just don't care about the hypocritical 80 grand he threw away on call girls, or even the black socks. We're too focused on clawing back the TRILLIONS the government blew on malefactor banks, which aren't loaning it back to small businesses. 
And if there's one man who could actually get it back, it's Spitzer.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, at least with Spitzer we won't have any of that "Monica" nonsense. They've already brought him down on that, and all of Wall Street is into hookers and blow in any event.

    Elliot Spitzer and Elizabeth Warner for President! Or some combination of Elliot, Liz and Dennis Kucinich. It's too bad you can count the honest people in government on one hand...
